Zeal Admin Team

Mar 12, 20223 min


Jan & Feb have come and gone, and so have most people’s New Year’s Resolutions.

The year usually begins with a flurry of activity … new workouts, a new diet, a fresh start.

And by the time February arrives, most of us have run out of gas (and motivation) and fallen back into our old habits.

Maybe Omicron ran through the house or a family/friend was impacted and it distracted you from your new routine.

You see, when I speak with people who’ve fallen out of their fitness routine (or not started one in the first place), they often blame a “lack of motivation.”

But motivation isn’t the problem.

Not having a plan is where most people go wrong.

And by plan, I mean one that has the following qualities:

It’s Simple: If you make things complicated, you run the risk of losing interest and/or getting discouraged when it gets too hard to follow. Start with one thing you’re at least 80% confident you can do consistently for 2 weeks, then build from there. And if you’re less than 80% confident, make it easier … and simpler.

It’s Realistic: If, like most people, you’re busy with work, school and/or kids, working out six days a week probably isn’t happening. Once you realize that you can get great results with about three workouts a week, another day or two of a light physical activity you enjoy, and making your meals a little bit healthier, it makes the process a whole

lot easier.

It Has A Deadline: If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, start smaller. A 180-pound man following a well-designed exercise and nutrition program about 80% of the time will lose an average of 1 pound per week. Maybe for your frame, 1/2 a pound a week is more achievable in this time frame.

You’ll gain momentum and confidence, create some habits that will stick and will be less inclined to give up when things get challenging.

If you’ve struggled in the past with your fitness, motivation probably wasn’t the problem. Try taking small, consistent actions instead.

Where do people mess up?

… it’s not falling off the wagon - that’s to be expected.

(Get ready for an extended metaphor, people)

It’s when you fall off the wagon and don’t get back up.

This wagon is moving slowly. Stand back up and get back on it.

HERE is a study on 6,000 participants who lost and kept 50lbs off for 3+ years.

A couple of things they had in common:

1. Persevering despite set backs: climbing back on the wagon

2. Regularly reflecting on what their life was like before the weight loss: looking to see where the wagon came from and how far they’ve traveled

3. Remaining focused on their HEALTH including improvements around decreased pain, medical status, mental health: ... I don’t have a metaphor for this one

Where do coaches play a part in this? We’re part of your social support team -- the one's standing there cheering as you set off on your journey .. we also help you pack your bags.

We help to plan the route, set the destination, pick points to stop along the way and most importantly –

We’re standing on this wagon to help you climb back up when you fall off. We may also help you buckle up to prevent the next big bump from rattling you.

We're not the driver, that's YOU.

Read a synopsis plus interview from researchers HERE.

Yours in Fitness,


PS. I'm always open to helping you with a strategy call - Schedule Yours Here